As I stand among the destruction of the tower that held every piece of my life that I thought made me, me.
A gut wrenching scream rises up from within me. But no sound can be heard.
The tears stream down my face, creating massive rivers that carry away pieces of me.
I collapse in a heap of helplessness as the pieces float out of reach.
I lay there.
Choking on the words… “Help Me.”
But help doesn’t come.
Everything is in pieces all around me.
I scramble to put the broken pieces back together, but I cut myself and bleed on everything and everyone I know and love.
I give up.
I search desperately for someone or something to help me put the pieces back together.
I find nothing and no one.
I realize I must do this on my own.
I sort through what is left of me and take the things I value most.
The tears still flowing as I turn and walk away. Leaving behind everything and everyone I’ve ever known.
The path ahead is unseen.
Fear creeps in and settles.
I pause.
Not knowing what is ahead.
I pause.
Afraid to take the next step.
I pause.
Frozen in a trauma induced waking dream.
I pause.
I take a deep breath and go within.
I am safe.
I feel secure in myself.
I trust myself.
I LOVE myself.
I speak life into myself.
I see my light.
I know I can take the next step.
I secure the pieces left of me.
My faith comforts me.
I was never alone.
The fear was never mine.
I look back at the destruction of the tower.
Holding all the valuable pieces of me, I step forward.
Thank you for taking a moment to witness The Flowers of Fall. Subscribe to journey with me as I heal and transform through words.
That was heavy. Your words captured my attention and moved me to continue to the end. What an amazing mind you have.